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A Message from the Rector

I have called you by your name; you are mine.  

A Portion of Isaiah 43:1 


Names are so important. They speak of our story and offer a certain sense of intimacy when spoken. As I have been praying for you over the course of the last few months, I have called you “the beloved ones of Messiah” and now I look forward to knowing each of your names individually as I grow to know and love you all. What a gift it is to call you “mine”! 


For those who had the opportunity to take a photo for me to begin to connect names with faces, thank you very much. Seeing your faces in advance of my arrival has created a joyful anticipation of our life together.  Each smile felt like a glimmer of God’s love in our midst. Special thanks to the Welcome Committee (especially Jean London and Barbara Osborne) for their work in making this happen. 


If you haven’t had the opportunity, there is still time! I encourage you to send me a picture via text (214.929.7772) or email ( so I can continue to meet all of you and populate my cell with your contact information. If you can hold up a little sign with your name on it, even better. And you are always welcome to stop by the office to say hello!


This one line attributed to the prophet Isaiah might be my most favorite of the entire Bible. Is there anything better than God naming and claiming us as God’s own? I carry this passage close to my heart as we begin our life and ministry together at Messiah. I trust that God has called us to be a community at this time and place so that our witness can offer something beautiful to the world and to the glory of God. The possibilities are endless. I can’t wait to begin! 


Join me tomorrow for worship at 8:00 or 9:30, with coffee hour after both services. I look forward to seeing you all! 


Love and light, 


Emily + 



P.S. - This message is landing in your inbox on the day of my ordination. Thanks to all who were able to join me in body or spirit. Your prayers and presence mean the world to me.


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