An Invitation Into the Family of God
Tomorrow, January 12th, we celebrate Jesus’ baptism. In the life of the church, we mark this moment as a significant milestone in the identity of Jesus. While being baptized by John in the Jordan River, the voice of God is heard. The proclamation named Jesus as the Son of God to all those who were present. This moment was the fulfillment of the prophetic words shared in scripture throughout Advent - someone was coming who would baptize with holy fire. Jesus was that someone and his presence was made known.
As Christians, we come forward for baptism as a way to mark a significant milestone in our spiritual journey. Baptism for us is affirming what we already (hopefully) know about ourselves - we are beloved Children of God. By the use of water, oil, and prayer, a person is ritually invited into the Family of God. The sacrament of baptism is characterized as “an outward and visible sign of inward and spiritual grace.” (The Book of Common Prayer, p. 857). It is a rebirth and renewal.
Are you baptized? Are all the members of your family baptized?
If the answer is no, there is always time to step forward in this act of faith. Baptisms are offered in the context of community as a sign that this act is a step that a person does not take alone. One of my favorite parts of the baptism service is hearing the resounding, “We will!” the congregation offers in response to the question of whether all present will support the person being baptized in their life in Christ.
If you are interested in being baptized (or if you are curious about it in any way), reach out to me. I would be honored to explore with you how the spirit might be moving in your curiosity. It would be my joy to walk with you.
See you this Sunday!
Emily +
The Rev. Emily E. Given
What does it take to be baptized? A little water, the Holy Spirit, and your desire. I will have some water waiting tomorrow in case the spirit moves anyone (FYI - In our tradition, one only needs to be baptized once). Additional dates for baptism will be announced in advance.