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Good Bye and Thank You

Updated: 19 hours ago

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Dear friends,

Tomorrow will be my last Sunday as interim rector at Church of the Messiah. This is therefore my last Saturday message to you. Saying “goodbye” is never easy, although as an interim it is something I have done a few times. Like moving house, the more often you leave a church, the less easy it becomes. It is impossible not to become attached to a place and to the people. I have got to know so many of you over the past fourteen months, and some of you have generously shared your stories with me. 

It’s been a privilege to have walked along the path with you. Thank you to all those who serve the church in the ministry to which they have been called. Especially I thank the wardens and vestry. I thank Sarah Patram for being the “face” of Messiah to the many visitors to the Church Office, and for her positive and courteous manner. I thank Hannah Albrecht, our music director, for blessing the church with her sublime musicality - I will really miss her playing. There are so many others whom I want to thank. I hope I will get the opportunity to thank you all personally at church on Sunday.

I thank those of you who, in the past week, have spoken to me or written to me and who have shared your thoughts. Your words have meant more to me than you realize. I have a special message to those who have joined the church in the past year: may you continue to find a welcome here and be fed in word and sacrament. For the hungry soul that is seeking for meaning and community, Church of the Messiah will provide you with all this and more. 

However, there is one thing that I will not miss, and that is the commute from Delaware. The experience has improved since most of Route 476 has been resealed and the long drive certainly provides plenty of time to think. If I could, what one thing would I change to make the world a better place? World peace perhaps? The hungry to be fed? No, my first priority would be to remove the slow drivers from the passing lane!

I’m not one for long goodbyes, so I will finish by observing that the origin of the word ‘goodbye” means “God be with ye”. I ask that God be with you. I will think of you often and pray for you. Thank you and God bless you.

Father David


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