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Outreach News - Meals and Thanksgiving Bags

Messiah Meal kits are available on the bench in the Narthex. Instructions on how to prepare meals are easy and are provided in each bag of 10 meals. This is a great way to get your family involved in serving the hunger needs of families in our area. 

Please place meals in the church freezer by Sunday, October 20th.  Fifty meals were already prepared in a group session on 10/1. Let's beat our last donation of 120 meals. The most we've done is a donation of about 250 meals. Let's go for it!!!!

Your help is TRULY needed to fill 25 bags of Thanksgiving foods for nearby families. The Keystone Opportunity Center in Souderton will distribute the bags. Their needs are specific so the best way for you to help is to make a monetary donation to the "Church of the Messiah". Write "Thanksgiving Meal Bags" in the memo line of your check. 

At this point, we are FAR short of funds needed to fill the 25 bags we promised. Please submit your donation asap. Our church school kids will fill the bags on Sunday, October 20th. 


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