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Thanksgiving Meal Bags for Keystone Opportunity Center

The Keystone Opportunity Center in Souderton will once again be distributing bags filled with the makings for a bountiful Thanksgiving meal to families in need. Along with a gift card for a turkey or other meat of their choice, each household will receive canned and packaged vegetables, mashed potatoes, stuffing mix, coffee, fruit and brownie mix. We are hoping to fill 25 bags, but we need your help in order to do so . . .

  • Please make a monetary donation to the “Church of the Messiah” and write "Thanksgiving Meals Bags" on the memo line to purchase the food items for each bag.

  • The needed food items will then be purchased to fill the 25 bags.

  • On Sunday, October 20th, the Church School will fill the bags.

  • Later that week, the bags will be delivered to Keystone Opportunity Center for distribution in plenty of time for the holiday.

Please help us brighten the Thanksgiving holiday for those in need.


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